Alex Askaroff
The Sewing Machine Guru
Internationally renowned, Alex Askaroff
has written extensively for trade magazines, radio, television, books
and publications worldwide. You
may have seen him on the BBC show,
The Great British Sewing Bee
with Claudia Winkleman or How The Victorians Built Britain with
Michael Buerk. Alex has had Nine No1 New Releases on Amazon!

Writer and Master
Askaroff has spent a lifetime in the sewing industry and is considered one
of the foremost experts of pioneering machines and their inventors.
His 'Sewing Machine Pioneer Series' on Amazon has been a bestseller with
Eleven No1 One New releases.
"Hello, my site has
millions of visitors and
many pages. It is a large
site that has taken many years to build so take your time and save it for
future visits. If there is anything you need
to ask just drop me a line:
Follow Alex Askaroff on Facebook today!
I must add a little note to thank the
thousands of people, who, over the last three decades, have helped build
this educational site with their information, pictures, documents and
The site falls into several sections. There is
antique sewing machine collection plus
sewing hints.
There is the super
book section
which has 'Alex's
sewing stories'
history, information and fun stuff.
And of course 'Alex's
pages' full of true sewing stories and laughter. The
Main Site
has everything else,
sewing poetry.
Scroll down and
enjoy this page.

I've enjoyed this book more than any I have ever
read. Paul Marlow SA
Looking for something
that is easy to wrap and ideal for family and friends?
Why not try one
of my books. Check out the review
pages and see why thousands of people from all over the
world have bought them.
See the last Sewing Machine Millennium Calendar
See Alex Askaroff on
A day in the life of a sewing machine engineer.

Isaac Singer The First Capitalist
Most of us know the name Singer but few are aware of
his amazing life story, his rags to riches journey from a little runaway
to one of the richest men of his age. The story of Isaac Merritt Singer
will blow your mind, his wives and lovers his castles and palaces all
built on the back of one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century.
For the first time the most complete story of a forgotten giant is
brought to you by Alex Askaroff.

Enchanting from start to finish. I
am 80 and read it to my great grandchildren. Now they
won't go to bed unless I read it! Alice Bishop, Can.
See Alex Askaroff on Youtube talking about
Glory Days
Main Site Index
Sewing machine tension
Al's solutions
One of Alex's stories.
a few moments to spare? Then take a journey with me to
my part of the world.
Alex Askaroff's sewing machine collection
Off The Beaten Track
Alex Askaroff
(released Autumn 2020)

Usually FREE with
Kindle Unlimited!
Available in all formats on all electronic devices
with the Amazon Reading App
Mail me for details:
If this
doesn't touch your heart!
Emerald Ring
Alex Askaroff's stories.
Alex Askaroff,
Founder of, Master Craftsman,
writer and pioneering sewing machine
enthusiast and looking very young!
That's the trouble with having the same site for 30 years!
Glory Days by Alex Askaroff
See Alex Askaroff talking about Glory Days
The Sewalot site is run by Alex Askaroff. The
enterprise was founded on service, quality and genuine
enthusiasm for sewing machines. Alex is a long term member of
the Guild of Master Craftsmen.
Alex grew up in
the sewing industry and as a teenager undertook
a four- year engineering course, qualifying in 1976,
yeah he's no spring chicken.
After qualifying he was trained by further experts
from Jaeger and the sewing trade
then spent 10 years on the factory floor
at the family firm before founding his own business.
Alex has around 35,000 customers in his area from
schools to businesses, factories to farms, hotels to
hospitals, just about
anywhere there are sewing machines, from boot-patchers
to sailmakers, plus all those happy quilters and patchworkers.
One of
Alex's hobbies has always been collecting
early sewing machines
after trying to rescue six from a skip as a child. He now
owns one of the finest collections of
early 19th century machines.
Alex has also carried on the family tradition of writing
children's classics first started by James Planché and
Matilda Mackarness his 19th Century grandparents.

Set in the black hills of Ireland
where the pixies still play with the leprechaun's, the
tale of Gizzleink is a classic for all ages.
WARNING suitable for
kids who love to laugh!
Main Site Index
Alex has had work published across the world from
Australia to America and is considered one of the few
experts in early pioneering machines and their
inventors. Alex has used his expertise to guide and
inform museums and charities around the world as well as
the film and television industry.
Fancy watching a video of
Alex Askaroff, the sewing machine guru...
Alex Askaroff's
is the great bit.
Through popular request
(okay pestering over many years) many of
Alex's most popular stories have been put together into a trilogy of
sewing books. They are much in the same theme as James
Herriot on his travels around the Yorkshire Dales.
have sold in there thousands all over the world.
Stunning reviews.
Ready to have a
laugh? Read a few of his stories online now!
stories by Alex Askaroff
I LOVE your stories... so beautifully
told... so full of life and truth of humble
observation. The fact that you tell it "like it is"
without apologies or flamboyant explanations. Not only
are you a master of understanding human frailties, you
give dignity to the experience of living life.
Thank you so very much for sharing.
Marie USA
Main Site Index

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
How wonderful to read a tale completely new and
inspiring. Sylko the one-eyed dog made me cry. Pauline
Waters, NZ.
Alex's simple solutions
Sewing machine Tension Problems!

See Alex Askaroff on Youtube: A day in the life of a
sewing machine engineer
As a
new collector I have found your site
has increased my knowledge in
a short time to a degree
that I couldn't have
Thank you again for all the useful information you give
freely to us beginners.
Kind regards
Brenda P

Dear Alex,
I go to a Montessori school and I am doing a project on
fashion. Your articles on
sewing machines
are absolutely brilliant!
Thanks so much
Alex, In a sea of bland,
boring sewing machine websites,
Sewalot stands head and shoulders above
the rest, with real stories,
history, information and tales.
Keep it up. Regards
A. B.
The genius of Elias Howe and his invention that
changed our world
I went to your website
expecting to find the typical, sterile, format and
instead found your art. What a wonderful surprise.
Thank you and regards,
Richard F. B
SMC Corporation of America
Hello there!
Thank you for this wonderful information.
I absolutely love your sewing poetry.
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your humor.
You have a good one, and keep on writing.
Thank you so much for your time..............Cindy Heagy
Hi Alex,
I've read your research. Thank you very much. It was
very helpful.
Well done Alex...
best regards,
Maria Jasmine Hi Alex: I had
been looking for information about my Singer. I was
so excited to find your site. Thank you for all the
I also enjoyed reading about your collection.
Best regards,
Janis Walker Marsh Hi Alex
Just a few lines to thank you for your excellent
article on Elias Howe. Most books on invention
devote only a few pages at most to the inventor
of this marvelous Machine.
Your article is the most comprehensive I have
ever read on this topic. Also you have a very
relaxed writing style along with a delightful
sense of fun. Thanks again for your efforts.
Wayne McVittie
Stouffville, Ont. Canada
Your site is fantastic. You have no rivals.
Everything I need to know, you have.
USA, Indiana
Oh my God! How
I enjoyed your website! Thank
you! Charlie.
Main Site Index
Hi Alex,
Your website oozes with love. One of the best I've ever come
Cheers and more power to you!
Hi Alex,
I am in awe of your knowledge regarding sewing machines from our
thanks so much for all you do to promote the preservation and
history of these wonderful artifacts.
Stephen V
Abilene, Texas
Instantly available worldwide now
The First Capitalist

Most of us know the name Singer but few are aware of
his amazing life story, his rags to riches journey from a little runaway
to one of the richest men of his age. The story of Isaac Merritt Singer
will blow your mind, his wives and lovers his castles and palaces all
built on the back of one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century.
For the first time the most complete story of a forgotten giant is
brought to you by Alex Askaroff.
Dear Alex,
I'd like to say what a wonderful website you have. It's full of
beautiful pictures and photographs and all kinds of juicy
information! It holds a lot more information than most of the
other sewing-machine websites/blogs out there and covers so many
more things in greater detail.
Shahan Cheong
Main Site Index

Watch Alex
Askaroff, the sewing machine guru...
Oh my goodness, thank you very much! All the time you put into
your site is very appreciated. It is a precious gift that you
have given thousands and thousands of people with your research.
Melanie Vanni

Good day Alex
Let me tell you, your sites are awesome. I have been
enthralled with all the history and information you have
available. Many, many accolades to you.
Merle Sager
South Africa
I'm very pleased to have found your sewalot-site on
the sewing machine.
It is amazing and I believe you have put over 30
years of study in it.
It helped me very much in my study.
Thanks and regards,
Dirk-Jan List

Hartung Kunzli 1938
Books by Alex Askaroff