Norman A Journey Through Time

This book should really be
called Lucky Norman, for Norman's true life story follows a
remarkable path. For most of the 20th Century
Norman had been involved in and witnessed a brave new world,
a world in which we live today.
Here is a biography of a
modest man spanning over nine decades. Starting with the
Spanish Flu and his birth in the bustling market town of St
Neots, Cambridgeshire, through to the traumatic abdication
of a king in 1936 and war. During WWII we find Norman on
convoy duty in the cold waters of the North Atlantic, where
death waits and U-Boats stalk the deadly waters.

Back cover Norman A Journey Through Time
by Alex Askaroff
Later as Norman worked his
way up through the ranks, the Normandy landings loomed ever
closer. His life would hang on a knife edge as he
participated in and witnessed the momentous events of June
In war there are lighter
moments as well and the liberation of one town led to a
night of drunken enjoyment on wine from the Rothschild's
After freedom in Europe
Norman's turbulent story continues. While other lucky
servicemen were demobbed and went home to their loved ones
Norman, now master and commander, was on a ship bound for
the Far East and an encounter with the fearful Japanese.

Crew of ML 116 resting before D Day from
Norman A Journey Through Time by Alex Askaroff
Even after hostilities
Norman's amazing journey was far from over. We travel
through Oxford where Roger Bannister was running around the
track as the fastest man alive to the burning African sun
and the dreaded Mau Mau.
In peace we travel through
the swinging 60's, World Cup fever in 1966 and work in one
of the toughest comprehensive schools in the South of
Through one of the most
turbulent centuries this planet may ever have, from first to
last, in war and peace, Norman's true story provides us with
a unique portrait of one man's remarkable life.
Flash! Alex's books are now all available to download or
buy as paperback on Amazon worldwide.

Most of us know the name Singer but few are aware of
his amazing life story, his rags to riches journey from a little runaway
to one of the richest men of his age. The story of Isaac Merritt Singer
will blow your mind, his wives and lovers his castles and palaces all
built on the back of one of the greatest inventions of the 19th century.
For the first time the most complete story of a forgotten giant is
brought to you by Alex Askaroff.
Flash! Alex's books are now all available to download or
buy as paperback on Amazon worldwide.
may just be the best book I've ever read."
J Vincent Horam

"My five grandchildren are
reading this book aloud to each other from my Kindle every Sunday.
The characterization is great; both heart-warming and funny, and the
story never lags.
I enjoyed not only the story, but watching my grandchildren's delight in
hearing it.
The illustrations are the best I've seen in a very long time.
Anne Lancaster USA

If this isn't the
perfect book it's close to it!
I'm on my third run though already.
Love it, love it, love it.
F. Watson USA

The way it's written you can just imagine walking
beside him seeing the things he does.
Definitely look forward to reading more of his adventures.
Amazon FIVE STAR review
Flash! Alex's books are now all available to download or
buy as paperback on Amazon worldwide.
Alaric Bond
Author of the Fighting Sail Series
In Norman, A Journey Through
Time, Alex Askaroff relates one man's life and career
against the turmoil of World War Two. It is a glorious tale,
although not without sadness, and clearly demonstrates how
even global conflict need not dissuade a determined spirit.
Norman is revealed as a strong, but sensitive character, one
who proved more than able to meet the demands his country
made on him, and particularly adept at turning stumbling
blocks into stepping stones.
This is a gentle, but
informative book that will find a home amongst those who
remember an era that is all but lost, and may well open the
eyes of those who came later. Askaroff's timely reflections
on the period and events certainly give an excellent
perspective to the story.'

D Day landings after minesweeping, from
Norman A Journey Through Time by Alex Askaroff
G.M. Moore
Norman, A journey Through
time is an easy read and flows through decades of our
history in a fluent and interesting manner. I thought it was
a great read about one of our service veterans with many
humorous anecdotes which you would not expect in war.
Mrs. A Finch
Loved the Life Story of
Norman, really brought his 'generations' story to life. Alex
has done a wonderful job of extracting all the humerous
aspects of Norman's life and bringing them together.
A. Prior
I bought this recently as a
gift for my Dad and he thoroughly enjoyed reading it. As a
family with military history he has a keen interest for the
subject, and this book proved an ideal buy.

The crew of Motor Launch ML116 resting in
port after minesweeping duties, from Norman A Journey
Through Time by Alex Askaroff
D. Groenen
I bought this book having
read the author's previous works and once again I was not
It is an incredible story of a very remarkable life. As you
would expect from the title, the book follows Norman's life
painting vivid images of 1930's london and some of the key
event's in the Second World War.
Very enjoyable read.
Until you read a story such
as this it is hard to imagine what truly astonishing things
the people of this generation had to go through, it makes
our day to day problems look insignificant. This book is a
must read for all generations, some to remember and others
so not to forget what people like Norman went through on our
Mrs S.P Brown
This is a beautiful book and I couldn't put it down once I
had started. Norman's story is doubtless duplicated by
hundreds and thousands of brave young men and women who
without hesitation stepped forward to help defend our
country and without whom we would be living in a very
different world today. The photographs and descriptions of
Norman's life are first class and we should thank Alex
Askaroff for documenting this story for posterity. I feel I
have a much greater understanding of the horror and courage
of these young men and women in this dreadful war now I have
read this.
Mr Stanley
This is a most enthralling
tale I recommend it to everyone. An adventure through time
past that should not be missed.